What to expect from your annual home visit
Every year, we’ll be in touch to arrange your annual tenancy experience visit (home visit) and this is a chance for your Neighbourhood Officer to meet with you in your home and get you know you and your home better.
Every year, we’ll be in touch to arrange your annual tenancy experience visit (home visit) and this is a chance for your Neighbourhood Officer to meet with you in your home and get you know you and your home better.
What is a tenancy experience visit?
A tenancy experience visit (TEV) is an annual home visit we carry out for all our customers. These visits are all about you and your home, they are an opportunity for your Neighbourhood Officer to chat with you about any issues you may have with your home or neighbourhood and discuss what, if any, support you might benefit from.
The visit will last about an hour. If the scheduled date or time doesn't work for you, we can arrange an alternative appointment that fits better around you. Your visit is the perfect time to chat to your Neighbourhood Officer face-to-face and ask any questions you may have about anything relating to your home or tenancy. Your Neighbourhood Officer can also check that we have your up-to-date contact details, making sure the information we have for you on our systems is accurate.
What are the benefits?
- You can share any issues you’re having in your home or neighbourhood and we’ll log them for you.
- You can get advice and support about your tenancy
- You’ll have the opportunity to update us on any changes to your situation or contact details
- You get a chance to put a face to a name and get to know your Neighbourhood Officer better.
What if I missed my appointment?
If you’ve missed your appointment, don’t worry, give your Neighbourhood Officer a call and they can rearrange it for you.
Case study from one of our Neighbourhood Officers
We asked one of our Neighbourhood Officers to tell us a little bit about their experience of tenancy experience visits and the impact they’ve seen them have for our customers.

“As a Neighbourhood Officer, I carry out a lot of tenancy experience visits and see the impact they can have. One example that sticks in my mind is a tenancy experience visit I carried out recently for one of our vulnerable customers who uses a wheelchair and is an amputee.
During our conversation, they told me that they had no support from family, friends or any local agencies. I discussed with the customer that their home could do with some upgrade repairs and specialist cleaning. With their agreement, I also made a referral to social services for further support and was present at the customer’s request during a visit from a duty social worker.
I also got in touch with the Adaptations equipment team to carry out an up-to-date assessment, making sure the customer has what they need to live comfortably and remain in their home for as long as they wish.”
Get in touch
If you think your tenancy experience visit is due and you haven’t heard from us, please give us a call on 0330 355 1000 or fill in our Contact Us form.