Recite Me
Using Recite Me our online Accessibility tool to navigate our website in a way that suits you.

Recite Me
We’re here to support you with whatever adaptations you need to support you with managing your tenancy. The Recite Me toolbar can help you adapt and change how the One Manchester website works for you. Click the universal accessibility icon at the top right-hand-corner of our website to launch the Recite Me toolbar.
The Recite me toolbar allows a range of features:
- Change the size and type of fonts in the website
- Change the website colours to more appropriate colours for your eye
- Have the website read aloud
- Add an ruler to the page to allow you read along a clear straight line
- Change the language on our website
- Add a dictionary to the webpage
- Read the website in HTML removing images
- Change page margins on the webpage
- Download audio files of the webpage
- Add magnifying glass on the webpage
Back: Rewind to the previous paragraph of text.
Play: Click the Play button to read the text aloud.
Forward: Skip forward to the next paragraph

Ruler: Press the ruler icon to enable the onscreen ruler.
Cursor size: The cursor size tool allows you to mange the size of your cursor to make it more visible
Screen mask: The screen mask tool allows you to create a letterbox for focused view of on the page.
Dictionary: The dictionary tool allows you to look up any words that you might be unfamiliar with to help you better understand our content

Increase: Click the “+” icon to increase the font size.
Decrease: Click the “-” icon to decrease the font size.
Font: Click the “Aa” icon and select which font you would like to use.
Colour: Change the background colour, text, and link colour, click on the colour wheel icon.
Text mode: Click the plain text mode to button to strip all the styling from the page.

Tab - To move to the next toolbar button
Shift + Tab - To go backward
Spacebar - To select a button and to change toggles
CTRL + Right - Play next element
CTRL + Left - Play previous element
CTRL + ALT+ P - Play the current element
CTRL + ALT + F - Show font menu
CTRL+ ALT + C - Show theme menu
CTRL + R - Enable/Disable ruler
CTRL + L - Show translation languages
CTRL + X - Enable/Disable text-only mode
CTRL + M - Show page margin settings
CTRL + Shift + O - Show/Disable settings menu
CTRL + S - Save settings
Frequently Asked Questions
You do not need to download anything to use Recite Me. Simply click the universal accessibility icon at the top of the page to launch the Recite me tool bar.
Simply click the universal accessibility icon at the top of the page to launch the Recite me tool bar.
Yes. Recite me works across Android, iOS, Linux, Mac and Windows devices
Select the “Settings” icon and it will give you a list of three options. Click on the bottom to the right of the option marked "autoplay" this will then disable auto-read.
You can download an audio file using recite me. Firstly, turn off the autoplay option which can be found within the settings of the toolbar. Highlight any piece of text you would like to download as an MP3 and selected the MP3 button in the toolbar. You’ll then receive a message telling you that your file has been created and it will appear at the bottom of the webpage. You can either save the file to your preferred location or listen.
In the top right-hand corner of the screen, click the “X” and this will open a text box which allows you to close the browser. Simply click confirm and the browser will return the website to its original state.