Community safety

Our Community Safety team work hard to support you to feel safe and secure in your homes.

Keeping you safe in your home

Our Community Safety team is on hand to help you with any nuisance or anti-social behaviour you may experience in or around your home. The team can help you with everything from noise complaints and drug-related cases, to issues of harassment, threats and domestic abuse. You can find out more about the support the team offer below and how to contact them.

Woman smiling

Support available

If you are being affected by persistent and unreasonable noise or anti-social behaviour, please contact your Neighbourhood Officer.

Your Neighbourhood Officer will refer you to our Community Safety team if they’re unable to support you with your situation themselves. This will either be within five working days for general reports, or 24 working hours for all calls related to threats of or actual violence occurring at time. Please note all contacts will be dealt with in a confidential manner and your identity will not be revealed.

What is domestic abuse?

If you’re in immediate danger, please contact Greater Manchester Police by calling on 999. 

We take domestic abuse extremely seriously. It includes any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse. It takes place between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members.

Types of abuse can include: 

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Psychological 
  • Sexual 
  • Financial 

Just one encounter counts as abuse, and it can also be an ongoing pattern of behaviour. The one constant element of domestic abuse is the abuser's consistent efforts to maintain power and control over the victim. Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality or social background. 

If you are suffering from physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse, or are being threatened, intimidated or stalked by a current or previous partner or close family member, it’s likely you’re a victim of domestic abuse. You may be feeling frightened, isolated, ashamed or confused. 

If you have children it may be that they too are suffering, whether they witness the abuse or not. Remember, you are not to blame for what is happening. You are not alone, and above all you do not have to suffer in silence.

What is a hate crime?

A hate crime incident is a verbal or physical incident where the victim, or anyone else, feels it was based on someone’s prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or alternative sub-culture (the way they dress or their lifestyle). 

We're here to help

You can report the crime to Greater Manchester Police by calling them on 101 or reporting on their website: Hate crime | Greater Manchester Police (

Alternatively, you can report a hate crime directly to One Manchester by submitting our contact form or by calling 0330 355 1000 and asking to speak to a member of our Community Safety team.

What is cuckooing?

‘Cuckooing‘ is the term used to describe when professional criminals target the homes of vulnerable adults so they can use the property for drug-dealing and other criminal activities.

Victims of ‘cuckooing’ tend to be vulnerable for a range of reasons.

Concerned cuckooing is happening near you?

If you’re worried someone you know maybe a victim of cuckooing, or are concerned drug dealing is taking place in a property near you, these are the signs to look out for:

  • A sudden increase in the number of coming and goings /people entering and leaving the property 
  • An increase in cars or bikes outside 
  • A frequent use of taxis or hire cars from the property 
  • An increase in anti-social activity in and around the property 
  • An increase in litter outside the property
  • The property becoming sparse of valuable possessions inside, and declining into a state of disrepair

If you believe cuckooing is taking place near you, contact Greater Manchester Police, Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, or call our Community Safety team on 0330 355 1000. 

Anti-social behaviour (ASB)

Our Community Safety team work had to keep you safe from home. We work in partnership with agencies, including Greater Manchester Police and Manchester City Council to tackle and resolve cases of anti-social behaviour (ASB). 

What are examples of ASB?

Examples of ASB include;

  • Hate crimes and hate incidents
  • Use or threatened use of violence
  • Repeated abusive language or behaviour
  • Harassment
  • Damage to property
  • Domestic abuse and violence

Worried about ASB near you? Get in touch to report it by completing our contact us form or calling us on 0330 355 1000

We also engage fully with the ASB case review process, which you can find out more about on Manchester City Council website.

What is an ASB case review?

If you’ve repeatedly reported an ASB issue to us and we haven’t taken any action to resolve it, you can apply for the ASB Case Review, this will enable you to request a review of your ASB case (if certain thresholds are met). As a registered provider of social housing, we’re required to cooperate with the process as defined in the Act.

What is the threshold for activating an ASB case review?
  • Three or more complaints made to us in the previous six-month period; 
  • The regularity of the antisocial behaviour; 
  • The harm, or potential harm, caused by the antisocial behaviour; 
  • The adequacy of response to the antisocial behaviour by us.

You should only use the case review if we haven’t already taken any action as a result of you repeatedly reporting the ASB issue to us.  

Applying for or activating the ASB case review does not interfere with your right to follow our internal complaints/ASB procedure. Both processes can run at the same time.

You can read more about the ASB case review in Sections 104 and 105 of the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014