Green Space and Communal Buildings Policy

Read our Green space and communal buildings policy here.

Document Author Kelly Webb, Director of Operations
Document Owner Amy Stirton, Head of Neighbourhoods
Legal Advice Anthony Collins
Consultation Consultation undertaken with customers
Approved By Leadership Team
Approved Date January 2025
Review Date January 2028. The policy shall be reviewed every 3 years or if further Government changes impact this policy.
Corporate Plan Aim Place
Equality Analysis A full Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken.
Key changes made No further recommendations were identified as required. Feedback from Anthony Collins Solicitors included to ensure compliance with Consumer Standards
  1. Policy Purpose

    1. To demonstrate One Manchester’s (“OM) commitment to the delivering and upholding our obligations in relation to management of green spaces and communal buildings under the neighbourhood management outlined in the Neighbourhood and Community standard by the Regulator of Social Housing. It recognises the role we play in promoting environmental wellbeing in the areas we operate.  
  2. Policy Scope

    1. This policy sets out how OM will manage neighbourhoods and communal areas associated with the homes that we own and the role we will take in shared spaces in the neighbourhoods we operate in. This policy sets out how we will:
      1. Maintain clean, tidy and well cared for neighbourhoods including communal areas both internal and external, including hardscapes, and landscaped areas and internal communal areas
      2. Carry out regular visits and inspections of all our schemes and neighbourhoods to identify and address any area falling below an acceptable standard
      3. How we will work with local partners to help them achieve their objectives. 
    2. The specific areas this policy covers are:
      1. Maintenance of communal grounds
      2. Tree maintenance
      3. Neighbourhood and highways inspections
      4. Abandoned vehicles
      5. Pest control
      6. Household refuse and recycling disposal.
  3. Policy Statement
    1. One Manchester will work in partnership with customers, leaseholders, members of the community and other stakeholders to deliver effective neighbourhood management across our neighbourhoods. 
  4. Our approach
    1. Element Our Approach
      Communal areas

      We have in place arrangements for the management of communal areas which we own and are responsible for managing (such as shared entrance ways, staircases, landings, drying areas and parking). We will make sure that these areas are:

      • Safe, secure, well maintained and clean. The measures we take in terms of security will be reasonable and we may take into account the cost of providing such measures in determining whether they are proportionate and appropriate to introduce/continue
      • Repaired in line with the Repairs Policy
      • Kept clear of items
      • Adequately serviced and lit

      Where caretakers service communal areas, we have introduced specific service commitments relating to these activities.

      If a customer raises a concern about a communal space that we are not responsible for, OM will clearly communicate this to them and (if known) inform them who is responsible. However, if there is an issue reported to us which presents a safety risk in such an area, we may take reasonable action to temporarily resolve and/or reduce the safety risk.

      Grounds maintenance

      We ensure that communal grounds are:

      • Maintained to a high standard
        • Grass is cut regularly: the frequency of cutting will vary according to the particular season
      • Flower and shrub beds are kept neat and tidy.

      We have in place maintenance schedules and regularly inspect communal grounds including play areas.

      Tree maintenance (both communal grounds and within individual gardens of tenanted properties)

      We undertake a periodic survey of all trees located on communal grounds and in individual gardens of tenanted properties to identify any required works. Where the works identified are the responsibility of the customer under the terms of their tenancy, we will notify them of this.

      We will, if requested, inspect trees where we receive a report from a customer, a colleague, member of the community or stakeholder for any hazard it could be posing.

      We will not prune or fell trees when (i), it is not our responsibility to do so, or (ii) if it is our responsibility, but there is no justifiable reason to do to our commitment to the

      Tree maintenance (both communal grounds and within individual gardens of tenanted properties)

      We undertake a periodic survey of all trees located on communal grounds and in individual gardens of tenanted properties to identify any required works. Where the works identified are the responsibility of the customer under the terms of their tenancy, we will notify them of this.


      We will, if requested, inspect trees where we receive a report from a customer, a colleague, member of the community of stakeholder for any hazard it could be posing.


      We will not prune or fell trees when (i), it is not our responsibility to do so, or (ii) if it is our responsibility, but there is no justifiable reason to do to our commitment to the environment and greenspace.


      For the avoidance of doubt, we will not be responsible for tree maintenance in individual gardens demised to leaseholders under the terms of their lease.


      We will keep records of any assessments, inspections, maintenance and/or remedial works in relation to trees we complete.

      Neighbourhood and highways inspections

      We conduct regular neighbourhood inspections alongside customers, stakeholders, partner agencies and local Councillors. These present an opportunity to involve our customers and stakeholders in identifying community concerns and associated solutions and includes shared spaces (being spaces associated or surrounding with our homes, but not areas we are responsible for maintaining and keeping safe).

      Relevant colleagues are trained to conduct highways inspections and do so twice a year. We work closely with Manchester City Council (who has responsibility for adapted roads) where required to resolve issues.

      Abandoned vehicles

      We will work with partners to address abandoned vehicles on communal land we own and work with Manchester City Council to identify who their owner is and to remove them.


      If a customer has abandoned a vehicle in breach of their tenancy agreement and we incur any costs in removing the vehicle, we may seek to recover those costs under the terms of the tenancy agreement, as well as taking tenancy enforcement action.

      Pest control

      We have measures to address pests within homes and communal areas.


      Customers have obligations in their tenancy agreements to ensure they keep their property in a clean condition. This should reduce the risk of pest infestations.


      Customers affected by a pest infestation should contact OM to report their concerns. OM will then identify any necessary treatments to be provided both in the short and longer term (or inform the customer where it is their responsibility to take action).


      Where it is the customers responsibility to address the issue, OM will signpost them to suitable resources and information. We encourage customers to make reports even where they are responsible for resolving to enable us to monitor issues and spot any trends that may indicate wider action is needed by OM.

      Household refuse and recycling disposal

      We work closely with Manchester City Council to:

      • Minimise the amount of waste generated from OM homes
      • Maximise the amount of recycling of waste materials
      • Ensure that waste is disposed of appropriately.


      We will do this by:

      • Ensuring that our new and existing properties have an adequate waste and recycling provision
      • Aiming to reduce the amount of waste from our activities as a business
      • Informing our colleagues, customers and partners about our waste management approach.

    1. We will proactively encourage customers to be involved in our neighbourhood management approach and will take their views and feedback into account in the provision of neighbourhood management across OM areas.
  6. Complaints

    1. If a customer is unhappy about a decision in relation to this policy, they should first follow our complaints process. If they are still not satisfied, they may then take the complaint to the Housing Ombudsman.
  7. Responsibilities

    1. The Head of Neighbourhoods is responsible for ensuring that this policy complies with regulatory requirements and has responsibility for its effective delivery.
    2. All managers, colleagues, and contractors are responsible for implementing this policy.
  8. Equality Impact Assessment

    1. A full Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken and no risks or impacts were identified, there are no recommendations required.
  9. Monitoring and Review

    1. Compliance with this policy shall be monitored by the Head of Neighbourhoods and Facilities and Environmental Manager. We will review the impact of this policy on customers with protected characteristics.
    2. This policy shall be reviewed every 3 years.
    3. The head of Neighbourhoods will be responsible for initiating a review of this policy.
    4. The Director of Operations is responsible for interpreting this policy where the provisions are unclear or there is ambiguity. Any interpretation will automatically become incorporated into the policy.
    5. The Officer or Officers operating the policy in practice are responsible for implementing the policy and interpreting the policy giving the words of the policy their common everyday meaning.
  10. Associated Policies and Documents

    1. Internal Documents
      1. Leaseholder Management Policy
      2. Repairs Policy
      3. ASB Policy
      4. Fire Policy.
    2. External Documents
      1. Neighbourhood and Community Standard – Regulator of Social Housing.