Safeguarding Adults Policy


Document Author Issy Taylor, Head of Communities
Document Owner  Mike Redford, Head of Neighbourhoods
Legal Advice N/A
Consultation  Consultation undertaken with key stakeholders and subject matter experts Altair. Includes compliance with Manchester City Council’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Policy and standards. Incorporates feedback received from Safeguarding specialist during Beevers and Struthers Safeguarding Audit incorporated.
Approved by    
Review Date  September 2025
Corporate Plan Aim   People 
Equality Analysis Full EQIA completed with no risks or impacts identified
Key changes made  Revised Policy
Updated Legislative changes
Updated 10 types of Abuse categorisation 
Updated Manchester Safeguarding Partnership information 
Updated data and monitoring section in line with new neighbourhood model 
Included Training and awareness cycle 
Included overview of how to report safeguarding concerns 
Definition of Vulnerable Adult made clearer in line with latest guidance
Included section relating to Whistleblowing 
Updated designated One Manchester safeguarding lead 
Updated One Manchester nominated safeguarding board champion
Created Appendices outlining Designated Safeguarding Lead Duties
Updated associated policies


1.1    The purpose of this Policy is to outline One Manchester’s approach to Safeguarding in relation to adults. This includes protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. The Policy outlines how we will work together to support people to make decisions about the risks they face in their own lives, and protect those who lack the capacity to make these decisions.


2.1    Safeguarding duties apply to a person aged 18 years or over who:

  • has needs for community care services (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and
  • who is or may be unable to take care of himself or herself; or
  • as a result of those care and support needs, is unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.

2.2    There are 10 types of abuse as outlined in the Care Act 2014:

  • Physical abuse;
  • Domestic abuse including violence;
  • Sexual abuse;
  • Psychological or emotional abuse;
  • Financial or material abuse;
  • Modern slavery;
  • Discriminatory abuse;
  • Organisational abuse;
  • Neglect and acts of omission;
  • Self-neglect – including hoarding.

2.3    This Policy applies to all One Manchester employees and volunteers, including Board members. This Policy also applies to contractors, suppliers and third parties commissioned by One Manchester. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility.


This Policy and any subsequent procedures have been written in accordance with relevant guidance and legislation, which includes:

  • Human Rights Act 1998;
  • Sexual Offences Act 2003;
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005;
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006;
  • Mental Health Act 2007;
  • Equality Act 2010;
  • The Care Act 2014;
  • General Data Protection Regulations 2016;
  • Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard;
  • Neighbourhood and Community Standard;
  • Manchester Safeguarding Partnership Protocols. 


4.1    Guiding principles

The guiding principles in our approach to safeguarding adults at risk are based upon the principles and values that govern how safeguarding procedures should be implemented. These reflect the most recent national guidance and Manchester City Council’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Policy and standards. It also incorporates the six principles that underpin Adult Safeguarding as outlined in the Care Act 2014:

1.    Empowerment: People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent;
2.    Prevention: It is better to act before harm occurs;
3.    Proportionality: The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented;
4.    Protection: Support and representation for those in greatest need;
5.    Partnership: Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting, and reporting neglect and abuse;
6.    Accountability: Accountability and transparency in safeguarding practice.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and One Manchester adopts the four R’s of safeguarding to ensure everyone is aware and upholds these responsibilities:

  • Recognise: everyone must be familiar with the signs and symptoms of abuse;
  • Record: any concerns or observations of abuse must be accurately recorded;
  • Report: concerns or observations of abuse must be reported in accordance with the One Manchester Safeguarding Procedures in a timely way;
  • Refer: where there is a concern of immediate risk to an adult, do not delay and call the Police and follow up immediately with a referral to Manchester Adult’s Social Services.


5.1    One Manchester believes that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. We have therefore invested in training for all colleagues at One Manchester including non-front facing colleagues to recognise the importance of safeguarding, the different types of abuse and neglect and reporting mechanisms for all colleagues. It also covers the four “R’s” of Safeguarding outlined as above. In addition to online training courses, we have committed to in person training every year for front facing colleagues to act as a refresher and keep safeguarding paramount. Safeguarding training is mandatory for all colleagues.


6.1    There are a number of ways to report and escalate a safeguarding concern and these are laid out in the Safeguarding Procedure which accompanies this Policy. Operatives can use concern cards that trigger a referral to a group of managers within the business including the Head of Neighbourhoods, Designated Safeguarding Lead. Alternatively, an email can be sent to which is monitored throughout the day, and escalated to the relevant neighbourhood managers and operational safeguarding lead to progress.  

6.2    Where there is a concern of immediate risk to an adult, do not delay, call the Police on 999 and follow up immediately with a referral to Manchester Adult’s Social Services at or on 0161 234 5001.

6.3     If you have been affected by witnessing or having a safeguarding concern or case disclosed to you, please discuss with your line manager and/or people services. We will be able to provide you with support and one to one counselling.


7.1    One Manchester will work with relevant agencies to ensure the effective safeguarding of Adults at risk, ensuring data sharing protocols are in place, and we are fully compliant with GDPR legislation.

7.2    One Manchester also has a mechanism in place to assist the delivery of this Policy through Tenancy Experience Visits being undertaken with an annual visit to all customers. There is a customer indicator of high, medium or low which takes into account a range of factors. These annual visits provide a further route to supporting adults at risk.


8.1    All managers, colleagues, volunteers, contractors and suppliers are responsible for implementing this Policy and working in line with its associated procedures. Colleagues who manage suppliers and contractors are responsible for ensuring that contractors and suppliers are provided with this Policy, and as part of regular contract and supplier monitoring and management are applying this Policy. Failure to follow this Policy could result in disciplinary proceedings against colleagues and sanctions against contractors and suppliers.

8.2    One Manchester has a Whistleblowing Policy in place. If you are concerned about the conduct of a colleague, contractor, or supplier in relation to Safeguarding or if you believe Safeguarding to not be taken seriously in One Manchester, please raise these concerns with your line manager, or Head of Neighbourhoods who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, or refer to the Whistleblowing Policy which is available on Enigma or the Director of Governance, Strategy and Business Assurance. If the safeguarding concern or allegation are against or involve the operational safeguarding lead or the designated safeguarding lead, please contact the Chief Experience Officer or the Director of Governance, Strategy and Business Assurance who will be able to assist and ensure due process.

8.3    The One Manchester Board and Chief Executive are responsible for ensuring that this policy complies with legislative requirements and is effectively implemented. The One Manchester Board has designated a Board member to act as the Board Safeguarding Champion, who will meet with the Designated Safeguarding lead on a regular basis.

8.4    The One Manchester Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Head of Neighbourhoods.  

8.5    The Operational Safeguarding Lead is the Neighbourhood Manager (Community Safety).


9.1    A full Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken and no risks or impacts were identified.


10.1    Compliance with this Policy shall be monitored by the One Manchester Board who will receive an annual report on Safeguarding  cases and notifications of serious case reviews. One Manchester Board has designated a Board member to act as the Board Safeguarding Champion, who will meet with the Designated Safeguarding lead on a regular basis.

10.2    This Policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis.

10.3    The Head of Neighbourhoods will be responsible for initiating a review of this Policy.


11.1    The Head of Neighbourhoods as Designated Safeguarding Lead has responsibility for the effective delivery of this policy and associated procedures.


Internal Documents:

  • Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy; 
  • Safeguarding Procedure;
  • Antisocial Behaviour Policy;
  • Hate Crime Policy;
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy;
  • Anti- Modern Slavery and Anti-human trafficking Policy;
  • Whistleblowing Policy;
  • Disciplinary Policy;
  • Recruitment Policy;
  • Procurement Policy.