Complaints performance

We take all complaints that we receive seriously and have put a lot of work into making our process fair and easy to follow. 

Our performance

We’re committed to ensuring our neighbourhoods are thriving places to live. It’s important to us that we receive customer feedback and use it to help us understand what’s working well and where we could do better. On the occasions where we could do better, we want to know about it.

As part of our commitment to service improvement, we monitor the complaints we have received and our performance in responding to those complaints. We also review why customers are complaining and make changes to reduce the chances of us making the same mistakes again.

We take all complaints that we receive seriously and have put a lot of work into making our process fair and easy to follow. Our responses to complaints during the year are below. We received a total of 730 formal complaints between April 2022 and March 2023.

775 stage one complaints
Withdrawn 223
Upheld 270
Partially  140
Not upheld 97
45 of the above complaints were escalated to stage two
Upheld 17
Partially upheld 17
Not upheld 11


Man on tractor

Tenant satisfaction measures

Tenant satisfaction measures have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well housing providers are doing at providing good quality homes and services. These new measures will give you the chance to share your views and give feedback by answering some questions relating to important services, such as repairs and complaints. The measures will help to improve standards and increase the quality of social housing by sharing best practice across the country and highlighting what areas require improvement. The Regulator will be reviewing this customer feedback information annually from surveys that will start in April 2023, and the report will be published in August 2024. For more information on the TSM visit the Government website - Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Summary of RSH requirements (accessible) - GOV.UK (