Hate Behaviour Policy

Read our Hate Behaviour Policy. 

Document Author Kelly Cunningham, Community Safety Team Leader
Document Owner Amy Stirton, Head of Neighbourhoods
Legal Advice Anthony Collins
Consultation Consultation undertaken with Customers and Resolve subject matter experts
Approved By Leadership Team
Approved Date January 2025
Review Date January 2028. The policy shall be reviewed every 3 years or if further Government changes impact this policy.
Corporate Plan Aim People
Equality Analysis

Completed in full.

  • Recommendation to extend information to customers in all accessible formats not just written included.
  • Recommendation to include characteristics such as pregnancy and maternity, gender identity and socio-economic status as best practice accepted and included.
Key changes made Feedback from Anthony Collins Solicitors included to ensure compliance with Consumer Standards
  1. Policy purpose

    1. One Manchester recognises that hate incidents have a significant negative impact, both for those experiencing them directly and for those living in the community where the hate incidents are occurring.
    2. We are committed to tackling all forms of Hate Crime.
    3. We recognise the effect hate crime has on wellbeing and quality of life, and will endeavour to take a robust, victim centred approach.
    4. We are fully committed to partnership working, we know the best results come from an integrated approach and central to this will be supporting and engaging with customers and residents, as well as our partner agencies including the voluntary sector.
    5. We recognise that hate incidents can disproportionately impact those people with protected characteristics. We are strongly committed to fairness and making sure that everyone has the same opportunities to achieve the same or similar outcomes and we will take additional steps in the application of this policy and make reasonable adjustments to ensure that this is achieved.
    6. One Manchester will work in partnership with local authority departments, the police and other relevant organisations to deter and tackle hate incidents in the neighbourhoods where we provide social housing.
    7. One Manchester will work in partnership with local authority departments, the police and other relevant organisations to deter and tackle hate incidents in the neighbourhoods where we provide social housing.
  2. Policy scope

    1. This Policy applies to:
      1. Those who are victims and witnesses of hate related behaviour and live in or visit our properties
      2. Those who are the perpetrators of hate behaviour and live in or visit our properties
      3. Those who are the perpetrators of hate behaviour and are not our customers but are perpetrating conduct driven by hate and where this conduct is having a direct impact on our housing management function.
    2. This includes people who live in our:
      1. General needs accommodation
      2. Supported schemes
      3. Leaseholders as well as people who live in other tenures (where their conduct is having a direct impact on our housing management function)
    3. We also recognise that our own colleagues and contractors may be affected by hate incidents and we are committed to supporting them in any way that we can if they witness or are subjected to hate behaviour whilst carrying out their duties.
  3. Definitions

    1. One Manchester adopts the joint Police and Crown Prosecution Service definition of Hate Crime which is:
    2. “Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person’s disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity.”
    3. Hate crimes can include threatening behaviour, assault, robbery, damage to property inciting others to commit hate crimes and/or harassment, theft verbal abuse, harassment and intimidation.
  4. Relevant legislation and Regulation
    1. Anti-Social, Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
    2. Equality Act 2010
    3. Housing Acts 1985, 1988, 1996 and 2004
    4. Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003
    5. Crime and Disorder Act 1998
    6. GDPR 2018
    7. Data Protection Act 1998
    8. Protection from Harassment Act 1997
    9. Policing and Crime Act 2009
    10. Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011
    11. Criminal Justice Act 2003
    12. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
    13. Mental Capacity Act 2005
    14. The Human Rights Act 1998
    15. Domestic Abuse Act 2021
    16. Public Order Act 1986
    17. Consumer Standards Code 2024
  5. When tackling hate crime One Manchester will strive to: 
    1. Ensure a service for reporting hate behaviour is available and accessible for all customers, colleagues, partner agencies and members of the public. We will aim to respond to reports of hate behaviour within 24 hours of the report being made.
    2. Support those who are experiencing incidents of hate behaviour, and stay in contact with them, keeping them informed of progress throughout their case. We will deal with any complaints of hate crime in the strictest confidence and in accordance with our legal and regulatory obligations.
    3. Eliminate any barriers to reporting hate behaviour and understand that each case is different. We will tailor the support offered to victims and witnesses appropriately and use a risk assessment tool to assess levels of risk and any required support. We will encourage customer groups to support victims by giving evidence of hate incidents.
    4. Take prompt action in response to hate incidents, having regard to the full range of tools and legal powers available, consider and, where appropriate, use intervention measures such as mediation services. Any action undertaken will be reasonable and proportionate and we will be clear with customers on the range of interventions and solutions available. We will support individuals to obtain legal remedies against their perpetrator through the civil and criminal courts if needed and work jointly with partner organisations to find solutions, ensuring that victims are kept informed of developments at all stages.
    5. Provide information in accessible formats and translate information for those customers whose first language is not English.
    6. Take prompt and effective action against perpetrators. If the alleged perpetrator is a member of staff, we will investigate the incident in accordance with our policies and procedures.
  6. Safeguarding

    1. We are committed to safeguarding all our customers and children and will take appropriate action when concerns are raised, suspected or disclosed.
    2. This policy aligns with our safeguarding policy
  7. Working together in partnership

    1. We are committed to working collaboratively and in partnership with both statutory, and non-statutory agencies, as well as members of our community, to strive to provide a safe environment for our tenants and residents and with a common aim of trying to reduce hate incidents.
  8. Data protection and information sharing

    1. We will share information with our partners in accordance with relevant legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, Data Protection Act 2000 and the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, to help protect vulnerable victims and detect, prevent and take coordinated action against hate crime and hate incidents.
    2. We are committed to ensuring customer confidentiality and will not disclose their identify unless they agree that we can, or unless there is a need to share that and other information with other agencies for lawful purposes, such as where there is a need to safeguard someone at risk.
  9. Colleague training and support

    1. Relevant colleagues will be able to access appropriate training as well as updates on relevant legislation and changes in national policy drivers. We are committed to continuous personal development and training and will access both internal and external training appropriately.
  10. Quality assurance and monitoring

    1. We will consult with all the relevant key stakeholders, including customers and colleagues on the Policy to deal with hate related behaviour and to improve its effectiveness on a regular basis. We will invite customers to scrutinise our service and give us feedback for improvements.
    2. We will seek feedback from customers and carry out regular monitoring and reviews of all reported cases of hate related behaviour, including the numbers, progress and outcomes of cases.
  11. Complaints

    1. 11.1 Any party involved in a hate behaviour case can make a complaint to One Manchester if they are not satisfied about how their case has been handled. When a complaint of this type is made, we will follow the process set out in our complaints policy and process.
  12. Responsibilities

    1. The Head of Neighbourhoods will be responsible for the review and update of this document.
    2. The Head of Neighbourhoods and Community Safety Team Leader will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of this policy.
  13. Equality Impact Assessment

    1. An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) has been completed and assessed.
    2. One Manchester is committed to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. We strive to be fair in our dealings with all people, communities and organisations, taking into account the diverse nature of their culture and background and actively promoting inclusion.
  14. Monitoring and review

    1. Compliance with this policy shall be monitored by the Head of Neighbourhoods.
    2. This policy shall be reviewed every 3 years or if further government changes impact this policy.
    3. The Director of Operations is responsible for interpreting this policy where the provisions are unclear or there is ambiguity. Any interpretation will automatically become incorporated into the policy.
    4. 14.4 The Officer or Officers operating the policy in practice are responsible for implementing the policy giving the words of the policy their common everyday meaning.
  15. Associated policies and documents

    1. Internal documents
      1. Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
      2. Domestic Abuse Policy
      3. Safeguarding Policy
      4. Allocations Policy
      5. Reasonable Adjustments Policy
      6. Complaints Policy